Actually John Cabot claimed all of Canada and North America for England, not that they had any idea of what they were claiming, they were just claiming all lands "which before this time were unknown to all Christians".
he did not explore France,if that is what you are asking about.he did tho explore under the "permission" of France,and cartier is renowned for his discovery of Canada's saint Lawrence river.
In 1534, Jacques Cariter traveled to Gaspe Peninsula and claimed the land in the name of the king. He called it Canada, which means "the village." but most arrived in the 1600
Canada is not owned by the french. Non of it is. It isnt owned by England either. Canada is its own country. Not owned by anyone but itself.
The first Europeans to settle in Canada were Norse. They came around 1000, but did not stay long. The next activity came with Giovanni Caboto, who was exploring for England. After this, explorers from other nations such as the Portugal and Basque started to come to Canada.
The rapid development of the city of Vancouver because of the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway from Eastern Canada, which allowed favoring uninterrupted rail service during the late 1880s.
England claimed land on the Eastern Coast of North America. England also claimed parts of modern day Canada, Belize, several Caribbean Islands and the Mosquito Coast.
John Cabot claimed the Atlantic Coast for England
France claimed much of what is now Canada and MississippiFrance and Britain claimed Canada.
in 1603
The England
mostly eastern Canada
Samuel De Champlian
John Cabot explored for a total of two years. Cabot was born in 1450 and he died in 1499. He sailed to Canada in 1497. He sailed to England next where he died. He claimed land for England.
John Cabot
mostly eastern Canada