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on a bike

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Q: Do you get leaner muscle running or riding a bike?
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Does bike riding involve muscle endurance?


Why the muscle is important for riding a bike?

Muscles are what makes your body move, whatever you do. So you need them for bike riding too.

What is the word for swiming running and riding bike?

A Triathlon.

Can riding a bike strengthen your gluts and make them bigger?

Yes. Riding a bike will definitely strengthen your glutes and make them bigger as you continue to build muscle.

Does riding a bike get rid of cellulite?

Yes, riding a bike can get rid of celluite on your thighs and butt. Pilates, lunges, and running also help get rid of it.

What does George Bush like to do for fun?

He enjoys bike riding, horseback riding, and running. Bush rocks!!!!!

Do you burn more calories running a mile or ridding your bike for a mile?

Riding a bike because your legs are doing more work then running.

Why did peter ride the toddle bike?

Peter rode the toddler bike to practice his balance and coordination skills. Riding a toddler bike can also help improve muscle strength and prepare him for riding a larger bike in the future.

What the example of physical fitness?

Running, swimming and riding a bike are examples of physical fitness.

What process does your body use to get the energy it needs for running or for riding a bike?

cellular respiration

Mechanical energy examples?

Riding a bike, running, lifting weights

How would a 11 year old work out?

Hopefully by running around, playing, and riding a bike !