I assume the question relates to winter squash, not summer squash. That being the case, check out the web site: http://www.ehow.com/how_4451716_make-pumpkin-flour.html
that describes how to make pumpkin flour. Briefly, pick out a pumpkin/squash, cut it open to remove the seeds and any stringy material, cut away the skin, slice the remaining pumpkin/squash into small pieces, dehydrate the cut up pieces in a dehydrator or oven at low temperature, and finally mill the dried up pieces in a blender to make the flour. Store the flour in a well sealed container.
I do not know how well the process works for different types of winter squash but I would suggest using a Hubbard squash or perhaps a Boston Marrow as they are reportedly good substitutes for making pumpkin pie. This suggests the flour made from those types of squash would be comparably decent.
when we use squash flour,we can make a bread ,cookie or something by making it more nutritious and affordable.also,you can make people especially children eat this kind of food without the hassle of of convincing them.
1 Kilo = 2.2 lbs
you take a lemon and squash it! it is Delicious!
"Does a mill make flour?" "A mill does make flour."
Absolutely, the texture will be very different than flour fried, but corn flour or corn meal is perfect for vegetables. Great corn fried vegetables include okra, squash, eggplant and tomatoes.
which is the best flour to make bread out of strong plain flour self rasing flour or plain flour
You can make them with what ever kind of flour you like - wholemeal wheat flour, rice flour, spelt flour, corn flour, oat flour, potato flour, the list is endless, its up to you.
When you make a glass of squash, the particles of the squash mix with the water. The particles dissolve and disperse evenly throughout the liquid, giving it flavor and color.
I need two cups of bread flour. I have ap flour and cream of tartar though. How do I make bread flour from what I have?
AP Flour = All Purpose Flour = Plain Flour
No, flour and water do not make paint.
you cant find flour you have to make the flour.