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Q: Can i apply for ei if i got fired during probation?
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Depends on why you left or got fired. And their policy is you have to wait two years to apply again.

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'not leagly but check with your local probation department you can apply for a writ to allow you to in some cases i dont remember what they call but when i got off felony probation they told me i mite be able to hunt if i got approved for that paper.'

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Sadly he got fired at survivor series :(

If you got probation for stealing Does that mean you got deferred adjudication on a misdemeanor?

Not necessarily: you can be adjudicated guilty of a crime and only get probation.

I got fired while on maternity leave should I apply for unemployment?

Yes, because you should use the money from unemployment until you get a new job.

Why did Jayne Kennedy get fired from?

He was fired, because he almost got randy orton injured during a match they had. I've also heard that he might have failed a drug test in wwe.

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He was fired

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Nadia khan got fired from geo,because she was taking alot of money,and that's why nadia got fired!

Can a job you got fired from look up your past history with the company you got fired from?

Yes, they can and yes they do

What happens if you get a probation violation for domestic menacing in Oregon?

Simple. Just follow ALL the rules set forth in your probation documents and you will do just fine. JUST REMEMBER: Because you got probation does NOT mean you 'got away with it.' Probation is a sentence for being found GUILTY.

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he wrote in his journal during his job, and so he got fired.

Where did MacArthur want to drop the nuclear bombs?

In North Korea and China during the Korean war. He got fired by Truman for that.