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No, the mother is no more entitled to custody than the father. If the father currently has temporary or implied custody, then a custody order must first be established before you can get partial custody or visitation rights.

For example, if you moved out and left the child in the care of the father, you forfeited your custody rights until an official custody order has been established.

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Q: Can the mother go to the father house and get her child if there isn't a court order saying that the dad has full custody?
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No. If the child's' mother calls the police you could loss custody of your child and possible go to jail. If I was you I would contact a lawyer who specializes in child custody cases. If you can get a notarized letter from the mother saying it is okay and giving you full custody.

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The mother. If she dies, her parents get custody.

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Do you have a court order saying you have visitation? Are you the biological father? If so then YES. Go back to court and file for custody.

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A child does not need to be abandoned by their mother for a father to be awarded full custody. If the father can demonstrate before a judge that the mother is unfit to parent, the judge can award him full custody of the child.

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The mother. The father have to petition the court for custody.

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It is very rare that a Mother wants to give full custody of a child to the Father. To this all a Mother would have to do is choose to sign and give up her rights to the child in court.

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I think it depends on how long the mother will be incarcerated for. There might be a hearing giving the father temporary custody. But if the father ever tries to get full physical custody of the child in the future, it might not be good for the mother. However, she can never be refused visitation.

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A single father, what does that mean? Are you divorced, ever married to the mother of your child, or is the child adopted by you, or is the mother dead or out of the picture? If your question is "How does a Father obtain residential custody after a divorce or in a paternity case", then I can answer this question. Let me know what your grounds for custody are. What is it about the mother or other parent that makes it harmful for the child to remain in their care?