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Q: What countries can you get married at 16?
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Can a 16 year old girl get married?

In some countries, yes, but it's prohibited or looked down upon in many countries.

Where to get married to a girl younger than 16 years old?

Many uncivilised countries have marriage laws where you can marry under 16

Were can minors get married with parental consent?

16 and 17 year olds can get married with parental consent anywhere in the US and most other countries.

Where in the world can a fourteen year old get married with out parental permission?

No where. The lowest age most countries will consider is 16.

How old do you have to be to get married in Minnesota?

In Minnesota the legal age to get married is 18. Most states and countries will allow 16 and 17 year olds to get married with the permission of the parents. Younger is seldom allowed, but a few places allow it with a court order and parental permission.

Can a one year old get married?

Certainly not! The law in most countries say you must be at least 16 to get married. And they wouldn't even consider it under the age of 13.

What age to get married?

The legal age to get married in all of the states and most countries is 18. Most states and countries will allow a 16 or 17 year old to get married with the permission of the parents. Younger is seldom allowed, but a few places allow it with a court order and parental permission.

In which countries do parents make children get married before they are eighteen?

International laws typically don't allow forced marriages anymore, but there are areas of the world were it is still practiced. In the majority of countries a 16 year old is allowed to get married with their parents' permission, but must be at least 18 to get married without it.

Can you married boy that is 17?

Above the age of 16 in many countries with parental consent this is possible. Not extremely or 100% wise but possible.

Legal age to get married with parents consistent in Arkansas?

The legal age to get married with consent in Arkansas is 16. Like most states and countries they will allow a 16 or 17 year old to get married with the permission of the parents. Younger is seldom allowed, but a few places allow it with a court order and parental permission.

Where can i get married in Mexico at my age of 16?

can i guet married in Mexico at the age of 16

Is it legal for a fifteen year old to be engaged?

The is no law about getting engaged. However, they have to have parental permission to get married until they are adults, usually 18. And in most countries you must be at least 16 to get married with permission.