Lying on a job application is a risky move, my friend; if you're discovered, even if it is years later, you could undoubtedly be fired (up to your employer, of course)... depending on the nature of your crime, as well as the nature of your work,, lying about a felony conviction is sometimes illegal and likely to get your ass booted to jail (FOR INSTANCE: sex offenders lying to get a job at a school, daycare, whatever... To be blunt, the list of "situations" where lying about a conviction on a job application can land you in actual legal trouble is pretty short... lying to get a state, federal, or military job are also on that list-but really, who is dumb enough to attempt that?) Now, legality and playing-it-safe aside, it boils down to weighing the risk/benefit. In most cases, unless you're explicitly told you'll have a background check run on you, YOU WON'T. In most cases, if your conviction was a one time deal and you're not a generally "shady" or "suspicious" person, you can 'get away' with lying about a conviction... and you'll be a-okay. And if you are discovered in the process of hiring? You won't get a call back... which you will RARELY get anyway if this question is answered "yes"... companies that give convicts second-chance jobs aside, of course. Finally, note the wording of the question. Most applications ask one or all of the following: have you been: "tried because of"", "charged with", "arrested for", or "convicted of" a felony... if your case never went to court, you could say, with all honesty, you had never been "tried" OR "convicted" of a felony. "SOMEONE WHO ISNT ME" ("SWIM" for short) was arrested for a felony, charged with the crime, even plead "no contest"... but SWIM had ADJUDICATION WITHHELD - SWIM received probation, and in truth, SWIM never once dodged ownership of SWIM's crimes... but having ADJUDICATION WITHHELD is having a CONVICTION withheld, it being understood that if SWIM messes up whilst on probation they will officially be adjudicated "guilty"... plainly, it means SWIM can HONESTLY answer no if asked if SWIM has been convicted of a felony. Even if SWIM's employer were to later discover "the crime", they have no legal grounds to fire SWIM: PAY ATTENTION TO THE WORDING, if you have special circumstances such as the ones I've just mentioned, you can possibly benefit from poorly-worded versions of much-despised, often-unnecessarily-damaging question. By the way, I HATE the fact that victimless crimes (ie marijuana possession) alongside violent, nasty crimes - spousal abuse, rape, whatever... are all LEGALLY SPEAKING, "okay" for a potential employer to probe-into. Even worse, simply checking that little YES box means NO JOB, buddy, and little regard is given to a person's character or even the nature of the crime: they're just lumped into the "scumbag" pile. To sum up SWIM's general philosophy: never say yes when asked - dump the application and look for work in places that don't feel the need to 'go there'... employers who take the time to actually interview and gauge a person's character before weeding out good people based solely on a question that could have NO BEARING on the job's duties, employer's liability, or even the basic nature of a a potential employee. The same goes for "standard procedure" drug testing done in the hiring process. SWIM, as well as myself have refused to be degraded and made a point of that fact on a few occasions - and not because SWIM or myself wouldn't have "passed" the drug screens - I would have on all of those occassions and on any damn day of any damn month of any damn year of my life (that doesn't necessarily apply to SWIM - who knows)... I, nay, WE just believe it's a huge invasion of privacy and a stupid policy, in general. Good day.
In a number of individual states, yes.
If you have not been convicted, you are NOT a felon.
If you have been convicted of a crime, you have pleaded or been found you guilty by a judge or jury. You can go to the courthouse where you were convicted and ask for a copy of your judgment.
No, a pending charge is not a conviction. However, you will want to mention the charge to the potential employer in some context. They will find out about it, and it is best that you be up front about it.
Exactly what it says: If you have ever been convicted of any criminal offense, you would have to answer YES.If you had been convicted of a criminal offense but you were later pardoned you would answer NO.
No president has been convicted. Two were tried but both were acquitted of the impeachment charges.
The best answer to this question would be NOT to hire illegal aliens. But since that is not an option then the employer should report the theft to the local law enforcement agency. After the alien has been convicted, the employer should contact DHS-ICE at 1-866-DHS-2ICE and report a criminal alien. If the alien has not been convicted of a crime, DHS-ICE will not take any action because of a lack of manpower and funding. If this does not agree with you as a U.S. taxpayer, then you should contact your U.S. representative and U.S. Sentors and file a complaint. In the future, if you want to prevent hiring illegal aliens, I would perform a background check on all employees' social security numbers. This is not 100% but it is the best you can do.
No US presidents have been impeached and convicted and so removed from office.
If you were convicted, yes.
you say 'no'. you are not convicted of felony until the court convicts you. swapna
yes but not if convicted of child abuse or worse things.