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If the facts alleged in the open case are sufficiently severe, yes, they probably do have the requisite reasonable cause. The law ALWAYS bends in the favor of the infant.

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3d ago

CPS can only remove a child from the hospital if they believe the child is in immediate danger. Having an open case alone is not enough reason for removal. If no drugs were found in the infant or the mother, and there are no other immediate safety concerns, CPS would likely not have grounds for removal.

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Q: Can cps remove an infant from hospital if no drugs were found in system nor in mom just cause has open case?
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What is difference between peremptory challenge and removal for cause?

A peremptory challenge allows an attorney to remove a potential juror without providing a reason, while a removal for cause requires showing that a juror is unfit to serve based on a specific reason. Peremptory challenges are limited in number, while removals for cause can be requested without limit for valid reasons.

What does redress through the courts mean?

Redress through the courts means seeking a legal remedy or solution to address a grievance or harm through the judicial system. It involves filing a lawsuit or legal action to resolve a dispute or receive compensation for damages incurred.

What Are the demerits of Lawyering System?

Some potential demerits of the legal system include costly legal fees that may be prohibitive for many individuals, lengthy court proceedings that can cause delays in access to justice, and potential biases or inefficiencies within the legal system that may result in unjust outcomes.

What is Fault tort liability system?

The fault tort liability system is a legal framework where individuals can be held financially responsible for their actions or omissions that cause harm to others. In this system, liability is based on proving that the party at fault acted negligently or wrongfully, leading to damages or injuries to the victim. This system aims to compensate the injured party for their losses and deter wrongful behavior.

The abuse of what kind of drug could cause a person to sleep a lot?

The abuse of depressants like opioids, benzodiazepines, or alcohol can cause a person to sleep a lot. These substances depress the central nervous system, leading to drowsiness and sedation as common side effects.

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Very rarely oral polio vaccine can cause weakness.

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Dehydration is a major cause of infant illness and death throughout the world.

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If a fetus becomes infected early in pregnancy, the disease can cause the fetus to spontaneously abort, be stillborn. If full-term, the infant may die in infancy or suffer from central nervous system lesions.

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How do babies get toxoplasmosis?

The infection is carried to the infant through the mother's placenta, and can cause infections of the eyes or central nervous system. The organism can invade brain or muscle tissue and form tissue cysts.

What can cause a blue penis after circumcision?

A blue color can result from bruising or from not enough blood flow getting to the penis. If your penis or your infant's penis is blue following circumcision, you should seek emergency medical care immediately at the nearest hospital emergency room.

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Lack of prenatal care is a cause of infant morbidity. Other causes include poor nutrition, infectious diseases, and premature birth.

Can internal bleeding of the brain in an infant at birth cause long lasting illness or defects?

Yes it can. It depends on the amount. The infant brain has some capability to heal itself.

Why do you assess the brachial pulse in the infant in cardiac arrest?

Because you do not want to cause damage to the soft neck (carotid artery) tissues in an infant when trying to locate their pulse.

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