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It would be but whose parents are going to agree to that and be there for it, too?

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Laws regarding photographing nude minors vary by location, but generally speaking, it is risky and can still be considered illegal even with parental consent. It is crucial to consult local laws and potentially seek legal advice to ensure full compliance and avoid any potential legal consequences.

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Q: Is it legal to photograph a nude 16 year old with parental approval and one parent on site?
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What are the tattoo laws in Bakersfield ca I am about to turn 17 and want a tattoo for my birthdday. with a it completely illegal or can i do it with parents approval?

In Bakersfield, California, you must be at least 18 years old to get a tattoo, even with parental consent. It is illegal for minors to get tattoos in California, regardless of parental approval. It is important to wait until you are of legal age to avoid any legal complications.

Can you legally move out of your house at 17 in Colorado?

In Colorado, the legal age to move out without parental consent is 18. If you are 17 and want to move out, you would typically need your parent's approval or go through the legal emancipation process.

Can a 17 year old in Massachusetts move out of their parents home?

In Massachusetts, a 17-year-old is considered a minor and would generally need their parent's consent or approval from a court to move out of their parents' home. Without parental consent or court approval, they are still under the legal custody of their parents.

What is the legal age to move out of your parents home in Michigan without parent consent?

In Michigan, the legal age to move out of your parents' home without their consent is 18 years old. At 18, an individual is considered a legal adult and can make decisions about their living arrangements without parental approval.

What is the legal age to move with a friend without parental control in Massachusetts?

In Massachusetts, the legal age to move out without parental control is 18. If you are under 18, you would typically need parental consent or court approval to live with a friend.

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What would determine if you can move with your child?

Whether you have sole legal and physical custody or the other parent has any parental rights.Whether you have sole legal and physical custody or the other parent has any parental rights.Whether you have sole legal and physical custody or the other parent has any parental rights.Whether you have sole legal and physical custody or the other parent has any parental rights.

Can you get marry at 17?

Yes with parental consent or if your state's laws say that it is a legal age to get married. Answer In many states, yes. Depending on your state, you may need approval of a parent or judge.

What is the legal age to drop out of school with parental approval?

8th grade in Ohio.

Is there a legal way you can move in with a friend or family member before 16?

Yes parental approval

What are the tattoo laws in Bakersfield ca I am about to turn 17 and want a tattoo for my birthdday. with a it completely illegal or can i do it with parents approval?

In Bakersfield, California, you must be at least 18 years old to get a tattoo, even with parental consent. It is illegal for minors to get tattoos in California, regardless of parental approval. It is important to wait until you are of legal age to avoid any legal complications.

What is Uncertainty in terms of decision making?

is it healthful, ethical, legal, and parent approval

Can you legally move out of your house at 17 in Colorado?

In Colorado, the legal age to move out without parental consent is 18. If you are 17 and want to move out, you would typically need your parent's approval or go through the legal emancipation process.

Can a 17 year old in Massachusetts move out of their parents home?

In Massachusetts, a 17-year-old is considered a minor and would generally need their parent's consent or approval from a court to move out of their parents' home. Without parental consent or court approval, they are still under the legal custody of their parents.

What is the legal age to move out of your parents home in Michigan without parent consent?

In Michigan, the legal age to move out of your parents' home without their consent is 18 years old. At 18, an individual is considered a legal adult and can make decisions about their living arrangements without parental approval.

Who is the custodial parent when custody is fifty percent for each parent?

If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.

What is the legal age to move with a friend without parental control in Massachusetts?

In Massachusetts, the legal age to move out without parental control is 18. If you are under 18, you would typically need parental consent or court approval to live with a friend.

What are the legal step parent rights in Tennessee?

For a step parent to have parental rights over the step child they would have to adopt.