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They are made my law making body such as parliament

He punishment will go to court

It is enforced by court

and are made for everyone


made my private individuals such as school rules

The punishment is different

and it doesn't afftect everyone

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Q: What is the difference between nonlegal and legal rules?
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The difference between legal rules and moral rules has to do with laws and how we behave regarding a moral code. Legal rules are based on laws that are set forth for us to follow. Moral rules have to do with a person's ethics. For example, it is not illegal to keep money that is found, but a person of high morals might try to return the money to the proper owner.

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Legal and legal rules have the similarity is all rules are concerned with establishing codes of behaviour for people.

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one rules Canada and the other rules u.s.aSTUPID

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muchas cosas

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