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The side with the more convincing evidence generally (BUT NOT ALWAYS) wins the case.

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In debates or discussions, evidence which is more compelling than that presented by the opposition can help strengthen your argument and sway opinions in your favor. Stronger evidence could include reputable sources, expert opinions, or concrete data that directly supports your claims, making your argument more credible and persuasive. It is important to present this evidence clearly and confidently to effectively counter any opposing viewpoints.

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Q: When Evidence that is more convincing than that offered by the opposition?
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Can circumstantial evidence be convincing evidence?

Yes, circumstantial evidence can be convincing if it creates a strong inference or supports a logical conclusion. It is often used in court to establish proof of a fact indirectly when direct evidence is not available. However, the weight given to circumstantial evidence depends on the overall strength of the case.

What does perponderence of evidence mean?

Preponderance of evidence refers to the standard of proof required in civil cases, which means that the evidence presented must be more convincing than the evidence presented by the opposing party. It is commonly described as "more likely than not" or greater than a 50% likelihood. This standard is lower than "beyond a reasonable doubt" used in criminal cases.

Can physical abuse proved without evidence?

Proving physical abuse without evidence can be challenging, as evidence such as physical injuries, eyewitness accounts, or medical reports typically strengthen a case. However, other forms of proof, such as the victim's testimony, patterns of behavior, or circumstantial evidence, could potentially be used to support an abuse claim. It is important to seek help from professionals such as law enforcement, social workers, or legal advocates when addressing physical abuse.

Wha is the difference between relevant and material in evidence?

Relevant evidence is evidence that has a tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it would be without the evidence. Material evidence is evidence that is related to an issue in the case and has the potential to affect the outcome of the case. Relevant evidence is broader in scope, while material evidence specifically pertains to the issues at hand in a case.

Where does a lawyer look for more evidence in a criminal case?

Lawyers seldom look for evidence. The police investigate the crime and collect all the evidence. The attorney may find additional evidence after talking to their client, such things as video or transactions that can provide an alibi or other witnesses. In those cases they often hire a private investigator.

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Why does the author claim without evidence?

Making claims without evidence undermines the credibility of the author's argument. Providing evidence supports the claim, makes the argument more convincing, and helps readers understand the basis of the statement.

Can circumstantial evidence be convincing evidence?

Yes, circumstantial evidence can be convincing if it creates a strong inference or supports a logical conclusion. It is often used in court to establish proof of a fact indirectly when direct evidence is not available. However, the weight given to circumstantial evidence depends on the overall strength of the case.

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Under these circumstances, one or more persons suffering from the symptoms listed above strongly suggests CO poisoning.

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It is convincing because it has information to support it and you can use "power words" to make them seem more important.

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a fortiori

How long can a state legally hold you in detention on a crime you did not commit?

(in the US) If you have already been convicted, found guilty, and sentenced - the evidence against you was more convincing than your defense that you did not commit it, and you will serve the term of your sentence. If you are newly arrested, you will be held in jail until your trial - at which time you will have the opportunity to refute the state's evidence against you.

Why the theory of dinosaurs has become convincing?

This is because there is more evidence to suggest one theory took place over another. More evidence means a larger likelyhood. But likelyhood alone cannot conclusively present an answer, therefore even though some theories are more PROBABLE, they are only as POSSIBLE as any other theory which has evidence to support it.

Can physical abuse proved without evidence?

Proving physical abuse without evidence can be challenging, as evidence such as physical injuries, eyewitness accounts, or medical reports typically strengthen a case. However, other forms of proof, such as the victim's testimony, patterns of behavior, or circumstantial evidence, could potentially be used to support an abuse claim. It is important to seek help from professionals such as law enforcement, social workers, or legal advocates when addressing physical abuse.

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You can win by scoring more runs than the opposition or by restricting them below your achieved score......

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Including personal experience as evidence can make writing more relatable, engaging, and convincing to readers. Personal anecdotes can add a human element to the argument, making it more memorable and helping readers to better connect with the topic. Additionally, sharing personal experiences can often provide unique insights or perspectives that can enhance the overall depth and quality of the writing.

What is the difference between the government and the opposition parties?

The government has a majority of seats in the lower house of parliament, hence they became the government and the opposition became the opposition. The opposition provides a check on the government by debating them and keeping them accountable, in Australia at the moment the opposition is more conservative than the Labor government.