'Do Widzenia' is goodbye in polish. Say: Do Vidzenia. and you will be 98% right.
In Polish, you can say "Powodzenia" for good luck and "Do widzenia" for goodbye.
"Pozegnanie" in Polish means "farewell" or "goodbye". It is a word used to express parting or bidding someone goodbye.
In Polish, "goodbye" is typically translated as "do widzenia."
"Goodbye beautiful" in Spanish is "adiós hermosa."
'Do Widzenia' is goodbye in polish. Say: Do Vidzenia. and you will be 98% right.
In Polish, you can say "Powodzenia" for good luck and "Do widzenia" for goodbye.
"Pozegnanie" in Polish means "farewell" or "goodbye". It is a word used to express parting or bidding someone goodbye.
hello beautiful in polish
In Polish, "goodbye" is typically translated as "do widzenia."
dobra robota
i think its the same
tęsknię za tobą
goodbye - adios good luck - buena suerte
Beautiful Goodbye was created in 2002.
beautiful in German = schon (the 'o' has two dots over it)