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Yes, they may not give a warranty with a new mattress however.

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Q: Can you use a traditional box spring with a TempurPedic mattress?
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What are the chief advantages of a Tempurpedic mattress over a traditional mattress and boxsprings?

The Chief advantage of a Tempurpedic mattress over a traditional mattress and box springs is that it conforms to your body's curves and provides support to your entire body. There are also several options when purchasing a Tempurpedic mattress, including adjustable mattresses.

Is a bed foundation the same as a box spring and can either be used with regular mattresses?

Typically, a box spring is a combination of wood and steel springs that act like a shock absorber for a traditional spring mattress. a foundation is more of a solid structure , for use with a latex or memory foam mattress, it has been recommended that the foundation is used with the foam style mattress and the box springs purchased with the spring style mattress when buying a new set

Can fleas penetrate a tempur pedic mattress?

Bed bugs can live on/in anything, but bed bugs cannot get into the mattree with outer covering of the Tempurpedic. An exterminator will need to treat the mattress because eggs and nymphs do tend to reside on the outer fabric, and it is possible that bed bugs are hiding in the seams of the zipper. Most likely the bed bugs are living in the box spring, and not the mattress itself.

Do you need box springs with a conventional mattress?

Yes, box springs are recommended with a traditional mattress. The box springs are constructed to support the mattress and to lengthen its life.

What is the name of the bottom mattress of a bed?

Box Spring

Can a box spring cause an indention in the mattress?


Split queen mattress?

A split queen mattress is not as common as a split king sized mattress. A box spring for a queen bed can be purchased when the area for the bed is unreachable by the queen box spring in its original size.

What is the thing called that the mattress and box spring sits on?

It is called a bed frame or a foundation. It provides support for the mattress and box spring, keeping them elevated and stable.

What holds the bed mattress?

A bed frame or platform holds the mattress in place. It provides support for the mattress and prevents it from shifting or sliding. Some bed frames may also include slats or a box spring to further support the mattress.

Is Box Spring important for a matress?

When you are buying a bed there are two pieces. One is the box spring and the other mattress itself. You can use the mattress by itself but to be more comfortable you should get both pieces.

Is a low profile box spring as good as a regular box spring for a king size mattress?

Yes, It's accually made the same.

Will a full size mattress and box spring fit in a mini van?

Yes. We just did this three weeks ago in our 2002 Olds Silhouette. On an angle, box spring first, then mattress on top of that. Tight but no problem.