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Panther is a generic term and does not apply to a single species. It may refer toa lion - panthera leo - Africa and Asia

a tiger - panthera tigris - Asia

a leopard - panthera pardus - Africa and Asia

a jaguar - panthera onca - South, Central and North America

a snow leopard - panthera uncia - Asia

Leopards are panthers!

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

similarity jaguar and leopard has spots are spots on his body, but the spotted jaguar encircled by the line, while the leopard is not

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Are leopards and black panthers the same?

Black panthers are black leopards, and, black jaguars.

Are snow leopards relatives of leopards?

Panthers and other leopards

Who are relatives of snow leopards?

Panthers and other leopards

What kind of leopards dont have spots?

Melanistic leopards (aka black panthers)

What is a blach panthers species?

Black panthers are either black leopards or black jaguars.

Who would win between a panther and a leopard?

This would be a draw as they are one in the same.

What do panthers feel like?

Panthers Feel Soft And Hairy And Somewhat Smooth Because They Are Leopards With a Black Toned Coat So They Feel The Same As Leopards.

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Panthers and other leopards

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They don't. This question doesn't make much sense anyway.

What is the classification for panthers?

Panthers belong to the genus panthera which includes lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, etc

Is a black panther a lynx or a leopard?

Black panthers are leopards in black color. They are not related and do not look like lynxes at all.

Do black panthers have special footprints?

no there just like cheetah and leopards