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Matthew and John were disciples.

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Q: Are any of the authors of 4 Gospels disciples of Jesus?
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How did Thadeus disciples of Jesus died?

There is no record in the Bible of how any of Jesus' disciples died.

Did any of the disciples of Jesus write in any language different from the others as it pertains to the gospels?

The Bible was written for the uneducated and meant to be read aloud. It was more than likely first written in Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke when he taught and later it would be translated in Greek and Latin.

Who of the original twelve disciples wrote books of the Bible?

Christian tradition attributes the Gospels of Matthew and John to two of the twelve disciples. Epistles are also attributed to James, John, Jude and Peter.Actually, none of the twelve disciples wrote any book that we see in the New Testament. The four gospels were written anonymously and were only attributed th the disciples whose names they now bear, later in the second century. Scholars say that these gospels were not written by eyewitnesses to the events they portray. None of the epistles can be attributed to any of the disciples. In fact, Jude clearly identifies itself as a second-century book, while 2 Peter includes almost all of the material in Jude, proof that 2 Peter was also written during the second century. Scholars have looked closely at all these works to find evidence of the original disciples, but see nothing in the gospels or epistles that points back to any of the disciples.

Did Jesus' Disciples write the Bible?

Not all of it.(or any of it)The Old Testament (from the books of Genesis to Malachi) was written long before the time of Jesus, by many different people, but like the New Testament, was inspired by God.The New Testament can be divided into three sections:1. The 4 accounts of Jesus' life (the 'Gospels') and the story of the early ChurchTwo of these were written by Matthew and John, two of Jesus' disciples. A third was written by Mark - probably one of an 'outer circle' of disciples (the '72') but not one of the closest 12. The fourth account of Jesus' life, and also an account of the early church, were both written by Luke - who knew Peter, the disciples' leader, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Paul (see below).(Scholars believe that none of the disciples took part in writing any gospels in the new testament and The Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude are clearly pseudonymous and were written by church leaders who had no personal acquaintance with Jesus or his disciples.)2. The LettersThese were mostly written by Paul letters of encouragement to the churches scattered across the Mediterranean area, and to individuals. Paul was a disciple of Jesus who was converted after he had a divine experience on a road to Damascus. He was not one of the original 12, but did a great deal to further the church and to evangelise to others. Some letters were written by others including Peter, John (the disciples), Jude (another disciple) and James (the brother of Jesus)3. The RevelationThe story of a vision of the end of the world and Jesus' return was written by John, the disciple whom Jesus loved most.(Scholars have concluded that john the disciple and john of patmos were two different people, so the book of revelation was not written by john the disciple.)So a lot of the new testament was written by the disciples - as eye witesses - but all of it, Christians believe, was inspired by God.

Who was the shortest of Jesus's disciples?

We don't know. The Bible doesn't provide any details on this subject.

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Why did Jesus tell three parables one after another?

Most of the parables are in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. This is because the authors of these gospels copied a good deal of sayings material attributed to Jesus from the hypothetical 'Q' document. However, Q provided no context for those sayings, so the authors of Matthew and Luke had to create their own context and place the sayings at convenient places within their gospels. It was easier in some cases just to have Jesus talking to the disciples and progressing from one parable to the next, without any apparent logic or reason.

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There are no women who wrote the canonical Gospels in the Bible. The four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are traditionally attributed to male authors. However, there are non-canonical Gospels such as the Gospel of Mary Magdalene or the Gospel of Philip that feature women more prominently.

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A:In John's Gospel (verses 1:37-40), Andrew and another disciple left John the Baptist to follow Jesus. Andrew went to Peter's house to tell him about Jesus, and Peter then followed. In the synoptic gospels, none of John's disciples left him to follow Jesus. Peter and Andrew were chosen by Jesus as he walked by the Sea of Galilee and saw them fishing.

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Matthew and John recorded the preachings of Jesus after He died. These are found in the New Testament as the Gospels bearing their names. Other disciples, such as Peter, verbally communicated Jesus' preachings to others, such as Mark, who then recorded them in written form.

Who among those whose Gospels appeared in the New Testament walked with Jesus?

The Gospels Mattew, Mark, Luke, and John were supposedly written by their titular author. These people were disciples of Christ. The remaining books in the New Testament were written by the apostle Paul, who only met Christ in a vision in the book of Acts. The remaining books are not considered gospels, however. Of the 4 Gospel writers, all of them were followers of Jesus; I presume they all literally walked with Him.

Was any of the disciples a lawyer that Jesus chose?

Well, honey, there's no mention of any of Jesus' disciples being a lawyer. They were mostly fishermen, a tax collector, and other regular folks. But hey, who knows, maybe one of them had a law degree on the down-low. Jesus did like to shake things up, after all.

How did Thadeus disciples of Jesus died?

There is no record in the Bible of how any of Jesus' disciples died.

Did any of Jesus' disciples see him baptized?

It is doubtful that Jesus baptised disciples personally, although the New Testament points to disciples of Jesus baptising, likely under His supervision. It is also unclear whether anyone baptised by his disciples became disciples themselves. Remember that Jesus had many more disciples in addition to the Twelve who were later promoted to Apostles. A number of Jesus' disciples were originally disciples of his cousin John, the Baptiser, and were almost undoubtedly baptised by John.

Were any of Jesus' disciples ladys?

All 12 disciples were men

What does Jesus want disciples to know about the wine?

There is no suggestion in the gospels that any of the disciples ever knew about Jesus converting water into wine. In fact this story was entirely unknown until reported in John's Gospel, which was written anonymously around the end of the first century and which scholars say could not have been written by one of the disciples. In any case, there is no suggestion that any of the disciples was present at this private wedding. John's Gospel demonstrates that Jesus was able to perform any of the miracles previously attributed only to the pagan gods. This account shows that, just as Dionysis was reportedly able to turn water into wine, so was Jesus able to do the same.

Which gospel writers were apostles?

A second-century tradition is that the authors of Matthew and John were disciples of Jesus, and that the authors of Mark and Luke were other apostles.However, these attributions are unlikely to be correct. Raymond E. Brown (An Introduction to the New Testament) says that it is doubted by most scholars that any of the gospels was written by an eyewitness of the public ministry of Jesus. Ian Wilson (Jesus: The Evidence) says that it can come as quite a shock to discover that no-one can even be sure who wrote the gospels. He says that despite the versions printed in our Bibles long having borne the names Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, these names are mere attributions, and even as such are rather less reliable than attributions given to unsigned works of art. We do not really know who wrote any of the gospels, but it is unlikely that any of the writers was an apostle.

Did any of the disciples of Jesus write in any language different from the others as it pertains to the gospels?

The Bible was written for the uneducated and meant to be read aloud. It was more than likely first written in Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke when he taught and later it would be translated in Greek and Latin.