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Hitler wanted Europe to be a whole German Empire with him as the leader. He wanted more of what he called Labensram (living space) for Germany hence why he invaded Poland, checzsolvakia ect. Hitler wanted a pure aryan race prefable blond haired and blue eyed but the main aspect was to have pure german blood or pure blood from the nation your from. He wanted to get rid of jews, gypsyes, homosexuals, political opositin, criminals, negros and Jehovnahs witnesses. Hitler wanted and pure german empire run be him and everybody to look up to him.

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He wanted to be seen and remembered as the saviour of Germany.

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6y ago

He desired to have a master race of people dominating Europe.

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Ones who were fanatically loyal to him personally. Michael Montagne Hitler wanted "pure" aryan Germans: blond hair, blue eyes, light skin.

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