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There were three levels of Propaganda in world war two.

That which was promoted by the Allies, that which was used to promote German superiority and that which the NAZI party used to demonise ethhnic groups.

For the home market, the Allies mainly targeted the leaders of the NAZI party. This was probably to reduce the likelihood of the common German people from feeling responsible. The Propaganda aimed at the German high command was by today's standards pretty vitriol.

Every medium from records to films to Cartoons were used to personify Adolf Hitler and high generals as evil, scheming monsters. The film industry produced many "True life" films during and after the war, telling daring tales of Allied forces defeating the Axis forces. Lighter propaganda used humour to make fun of of the Nazis and Nazism such as the cartoons played to servicemen. Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny all took turns lampooning the Nazi party. Both Allied and Axis, News reports produced a sensational but important message recording losses and more usually victories against each other.

The Germans under the control of Goebbels the propaganda minister for the News reports & films were also used to promote the Nazi ideal of the perfect German citizen based on the belief in a superior Aryan race. Anyone who did not conform to this ideal was cast as a lower human being. the lowest being Nazis the Jews, disabled and mentally infirm. these ideals eventually lead to the creation and use of "The final solution" which was a euphemism for genocide.

All sides of the war used propaganda drops via aircraft to demoralise troops and civilians. Radio broadcasts which were easily received across front lines were important tools of the propaganda machine on both sides of WWII.

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