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It wasn't one of those battles involving vast numbers of men. The significance of El Alamein in October 1942 was that it meant (in the context of the time) that the Germans would not reach Cairo and would not take the Suez Canal or disrupt British communications with India and the Persian Gulf. Moreover, from that point on the Axis was on the retreat in North Africa.

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Q: How did the second battle of El Alamein contribute to the Allies victory in World War 2?
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How did battle of el alamein contribute to the allies victory in WW2?

It wiped out German power in North Africa

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The second Battle of El Alamein was a great victory for the Allies.

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The first was more or less a draw (even ) The Second was a decisive victory for the Allies.

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Second Battle of El Alamein turned the tide of the war in North Africa for the Allies. It was the first Allied Victory in two years and proved British commander Field Marshal Montgomery's reputation.

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How did the Battle of El Alamein contributed to the allies?

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