The treatment of German POWs (prisoners of war) varied depending on their captors. The Soviet Union used most of its German POWs for hard labour, and many of them perished. Many others were kept till 1955 as bargaining counters. On the whole Britain treated German POWs well. Obviously, there were times when a sudden advance led to a large number of soldiers being taken prisoner at the same time. which often caused practical problems.
Very few soldiers (including SS men) were put on trial.
Set them free.
Not all were set free some 100 of thousands were used in rebuilding France and worked in french coal mines as part of the Reparations others were used by the British and Americans as Labourers to cleanup the mess in Germany the Russians did the same and of the 90 thousand German soldiers captured by the Russians at Stalingrad only about 5000 survived to return to Germany
some were pows until about 1950
and i found this one of over 3 million links
They treated the prisoners terribly. They were beaten just for looking at them the wrong way and were not aloud to speak. If they did then they would have terrible consequences, which usually was beating or death. The soldiers had the privilege to shoot anyone without an explanation. Many soldiers abused this rule.
They treated the US soldiers terribly.
There were threee main powers.... Hitler was the leader of Germany, Mussolini was the leader of Italy and HiroHito was the leader of Japan --- Please don't treat World War 2 and the Holocaust as the same thing! The Holocaust took place during World War 2, but there was much more to World War 2 than the Holocaust. Japan, for example, was not involved in the Holocaust at all ...
Clara barton
they were treated like dogs
i dont know u tell me
They treated the US soldiers terribly.
They treated them very well
made yah look
Lord Akiyama did not treat his prisoners very well. He fed them and things but didn't love them in that sense
awfuly ________ It is absurd to lump all 'Europeans' together in the way this question does. There were huge variations.
not nice
There were threee main powers.... Hitler was the leader of Germany, Mussolini was the leader of Italy and HiroHito was the leader of Japan --- Please don't treat World War 2 and the Holocaust as the same thing! The Holocaust took place during World War 2, but there was much more to World War 2 than the Holocaust. Japan, for example, was not involved in the Holocaust at all ...
Please see the related question.
The prison was a horrible way to treat Confederate prisoners.
there are still places where people are treated as horrifically, but it is generally not as chronic as it was during the Holocaust. they do it because they see the people as a threat or because they have something that they want, or as a reason to unite others behind a common cause. All three were also employed by the Nazis. The largest reason is: because they can.
They thought women were useless beacause then, all they did was cook and clean but they do more now.
It is known as the "Geneva Convention."