Women could become knights. Please use the link to the related question below for more information.
In Japan women were equal to men, thus a women could become a samurai. In Europe Women weren't treated equal to men, thus they couldn't become knights. Samurai soldiers slept with their swords because they were scared of their wives, European soldiers didn't.
knights served kings
they had sleepless knights
Knights got their equipment from their lords.
they were knighted by king Arthur
Women could become knights. Please use the link to the related question below for more information.
they were chosen cause of their qualitys to protect others
evolution yeah
Sons of lords or knights, trained from young age to become elite soldiers.
They did the odd jobs for knights and were in training to become knights. They were the son's of nobles who showed promise of knighthood.
King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
You had to be a nobleman or son of a knight or noblemna
They became "The Knights Who Say: Ecky, Ecky, Ecky, Ecky, Pakang, Zoom-ping."
The knights who say ecky ecky ecky ftang rooboing rousa
Roman Catholic AnswerMen, over the age of 18, who are practical Catholics may become Knights.
because they wanted to be as good as their husbands