well knights often had a dagger,two handed sword,crossbow,and armor such as chest plate, helmet,back piece shoulder pieces and leggings
knights served kings
Knights FIGHT
They are knighted by the ruling monarch.
Knights of the round table.
knights got their equipment from their lords.
Knights typically wore suits of armor made of steel, which included a helmet, breastplate, gauntlets, and greaves. They also carried weaponry such as swords, shields, and lances, and rode horses for mobility and combat. Additionally, they often had a squire to assist them with their armor and equipment.
If you mean Kids - quite often squires were kids brought in to help knights with their equipment.
Knights used a variety of weapons including swords, lances, maces, axes, and crossbows. They were skilled in the use of these weapons in battle and in tournaments. Armor was also an essential part of a knight's equipment, providing protection in combat.
A Squire was a young assistant to a knight. The position was usually attained at the age of 14 years old and done by a knight in training. His job was to carry and care for the knights weapons and horse.
Arthur knights
well knights often had a dagger,two handed sword,crossbow,and armor such as chest plate, helmet,back piece shoulder pieces and leggings
Most of the Norman Army were Knights. They fought on horseback and a kite shaped shield gave them greater protection. Infantry used the same shields as it aided standardisation. Plus most Norman knights equipment was used on both horse back and on foot.
the knights of the round table
You need to get the Black Knights because they are the strongest knights.
That depends on what Knights you are talking about. Are you talking about the medieval Knights in each Kingdom, the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar? You are going to have to be a little more specific to get a meaningful answer.
The knights of Columbus are catholic. The knights of Columbus are catholic.