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just on the burma-Thailand railway sight over ,13,000 people died for the others no one knows

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Q: How many people died in POW camps during World War 1?
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How many Germans died as a result of the Holocaust?

I wonder if you are confusing the Holocaust with World War 2? Raul Hilberg estimates the total number of Germans killed in the Holocaust as at most 300.

How many people died in war world II?

Counting the soldiers and people executed in the concentration camps 70,000,000.

How many people died besides Jews in world war 2?

6 million Jews in camps 7 million non Jews in camps 60 -70 million people total

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What was wrose World War 1 or World War 2?

world war 2 because many more people died during the war it was more brutal the Nazis consentration camps and labour camps which alone killed about 6 million Jews The area of the war was larger more countries was at war and there were comited many more war crimes during ww2 than ww1

How many people were saved from Auschwitz?

Not many. Millions of people died in German concentration camps. Only about a hundred died in concentration camps in America.

How much food did the people in world war 2 eat?

In general, the world population was not as well nourished during WW II as they are now. Many people died of starvation, particularly those in concentration camps where they were deliberately starved. Food was rationed in many countries.

Did people survive concentration camps in world war 2?

Yes some people survived concentration camps, but 6 million people died. The word Holocaust means death by fire in Greek. and some of the people died that way but most died of exhaustion because they were forced to run two miles each day

Why so many people died in World War 2?

so many people died because of the concentration camps and also the blits and war it self!xxx hope this helps:)

What happened to the people that were sent to the concentration camps?

You died

How many English people died in World War 2?

Approximately 388,000 English people died during World War 2, including civilians and military personnel.

How many people died during Wold War 1?

About 17,000,000 people died during World War I. An additional 22,000,000 were wounded.