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peoplr on farms went to work in factories so there were less people that worked on farms.immagrants floaded the streets because of the new buisnesses in the US

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the economy changed from a traditional economy (based on farming) to an industrial economy

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Q: In what ways did the economy of the North change from 1800 to 1850?
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What did the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 settle conflicts between the North and South over?

it caused slavery to expand in to the north.

What were the differences between the North's and South's economy before the Civil War that made Civil War inevitable?

The economy of the South was based primarily on cotton monoculture supported by slave labor. Their cotton was sold to Europe for hard currency (and some to northern factories as well.) Southern farmers, especially plantation owners growing cotton, were in favor of slavery AND low tariffs on imported goods. The North's economy was far more diverse, having a mix of factories, agriculture primarily based on grains, shipbuilding, and transportation. Their manufacturing interests were protected from foreign competition by high tariffs on imported goods. This made the North against slavery, which they felt gave the South an advantage in agriculture costs, AND high tariffs, which protected the factories of North from cheap, and frankly better made products from Europe. This disparity made conflict inevitable and prompted crises in 1820, 1830, 1850 and finally secession in December of 1860.

Did the south have a strong voice in 1850?

The slave states had a control of Congress in 1850.

How did the compromise of 1850 affect California?

It allowed California to join the USA as free soil. But to get this law passed, Congress had to make a big show of appeasing the South by enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act, which was enormously unpopular in the North, arousing new interest in Abolitionism.

How would you have solved the unresolved issues of the Compromise of 1850?

Allowed California to be admitted to the Union as two states - North California and South California, divided along the line of the Missouri Compromise.