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Both parts of Vietnam were battle sites of the war.

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12y ago

communism which America feard would spread to them

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11y ago

Yes. It was the effort by North Vietnam military to subdue the government and people of the South to unify the country.

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15y ago

The VC lived in the south.

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Q: Was the Vietnam war between north and south Vietnam?
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The Vietnam War was between the Vietnam and the who?

Technically between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Actually between the US and North Vietnam.

Who one the vietnam war between south and north?


Who did the Vietnamese fight in the Vietnam War?

Overall it was a battle between South Vietnam and North Vietnam.

What was the boundaries between north and south Vietnam at the time of the Vietnam war?

17th Parallel.

The war in Vietnam in the 1960s was a battle between?

North Vietnam and South Vietnam. South Vietnam was a democratic republic and North Vietnam had a socialist government headed by a communist regime. North Vietnam was trying to defeat the democracy of South Vietnam and unify the country.

What the Indochina war was?

The Vietnam War or Second Indochinese War was a military engagement between North Vietnam and its allies (principally China and the USSR) and South Vietnam and its allies (principally the United States). From the South Vietnamese and US perspective, North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam in an attempt to annex it. From the North Vietnamese perspective, North Vietnam was liberating South Vietnam from illegal US occupation and manipulation.

What was the Indochina Vietnam War?

The Vietnam War or Second Indochinese War was a military engagement between North Vietnam and its allies (principally China and the USSR) and South Vietnam and its allies (principally the United States). From the South Vietnamese and US perspective, North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam in an attempt to annex it. From the North Vietnamese perspective, North Vietnam was liberating South Vietnam from illegal US occupation and manipulation.

What side did the Us help in the Vietnam war?

?........the Vietnam war was a war between north and south Vietnam and America. America was trying to defend south Vietnam from the north invading and controling their territory. so America was on the side with south Vietnam

How was the Vietnam War concluded?

North Vietnam defeated the South (or the North conquered the South).

How did the South Vietnam's surrender to North Vietnam develop the Vietnam War?

South Vietnam's surrender to North Vietnam is what ended the Vietnam War. The North Vietnamese had the goal of Vietnamese Unification and the surrender of South Vietnam in 1975 allowed them to achieve that objective.

Where is north Vietnam?

There no longer is a North Vietnam, North Vietnam and South Vietnam were joined together after the Vietnam War.

The war between North and South Vietnam ended in?

30 April 1975.