The American Civil War lasted 4 years, 1861 - 1865. The Anglo-Boer War 3 years, 1899 - 1902. That's almost the same lengths. In both cases the Unionists against the Confederacy. South Africa had the Unionists of the Cape and Natal, with the Confederacy being the Transvaal and Orange Free State.
Both cases had the Confederacy as the rebellious, conservative ones. The USA, being in the Northern Hemisphere, had the conservative part in the south. South Africa, being in the Southern Hemisphere, had the conservative part in the north. The conservative areas were thus closest to the tropics. It has been observed that conservative areas are usually those without contrasting climates.
Both wars had the Confederacy starting the war, with their invasion of the Unionists, then a turn of the tide, and the Confederacy being occupied. (Liberalism, progress and unity triumphing over conservatism and separation.)
Both had the Unionists cutting off the importing of supplies to the Confederates.
In both wars the Confederacy had broken away from the Unionists beforehand. With South Africa, there were the Boers migrating away from the Unionists and then setting up their own states, and then shaking off attempts at British rule.
Both wars were essentially North against South.
Both wars led to a union of the countries.
Both were 'whites only' wars, not concerning other races. Although there were other races who fought in them. And so on.
The American Civil War. The War between the States. The War between Brothers.
Describe the major military confrontations between Native Americans and whites on the post-Civil War frontier.
The Civil War began in 1861 when the first shot was fired at Fort Sumter. It ended in a surrender between Grant and Lee in 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse.
The English Civil War occurred between 1642-1651. The American Civil War occurred between 1861-1865.
Florida, Texas, Iowa, Wisconsin, California, Minnesota, Oregon and Kansas joined the Union between 1845 and the start of the American Civil War, which was on April 12, 1861. West Virginia and Nevada joined during the war.
They both have the same people living in the same country fighting against each other. That is why it is called a Civil War.
they both have to do drills
Both of their names start with the letter M. They are both African American. They were both civil rights activist. Both were assassinated.
similarities and differences between Negritude movement in Africa in the 1950's and civil rights movement in the United States in the 1960's
The main difference between the American Civil War and the American Revolutionary War was that the Revolutionary War was fought between the British Empire and the American Colonies, the latter of which declared independence; and the "Civil War" was fought between the United States, and the Confederated States of America--two separate and distinct countries. So, in actuality, the "Civil War" was not a civil war, since it was a war between to countries.
They both are enforceable and have the effect of law.
If I have understood the poor question, then the Civil War was between 1861-5
One and the same people under one and the same government.
They were civil rights leaders and used non violent methods of revolution.
I cannot think of any apart from the fact both countries have suffered a civil war.
The American Civil Wqr
No - the English had nothing to do with the American Civil War.