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Project 'Manhattan' or to simply say, Nuclear Bombs and the US "Red Scare" in the early 1950s. from then on every country wanted nuclear weapons, And the First to acquire was the US, then Russia, then the United Kingdom, then France, then China, then India, then Pakistan, then North Korea. It is believed that Israel also has them, but they refuse to either confirm or deny.

At the peak of the cold war arms race both the US and Russia had more than 10,000 strategic nuclear weapons and roughly 50,000 tactical nuclear weapons each, no other country in the world has ever had more than a few hundred total strategic and tactical nuclear weapons. As of 2014 both the US and Russia have reduced their stockpiles to about 3000 strategic nuclear weapons and zero tactical nuclear weapons (however the US maintains the parts from the dismantled 7000 strategic nuclear weapons and in an emergency could still reassemble them in a few months time into usable weapons, Russia likely has similar ability).

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Q: What caused the arms race after World War 2?
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