The Soviet Union supplied the most troops in Europe during World War II. The Soviet Union mobilized millions of soldiers to fight against the Axis powers, especially on the Eastern Front. This massive military effort played a crucial role in the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany.
All of the answers are correct.
american solidiers fought for our country
Luxembourg lost the least troops during the First World War.
Delaying sending troops to europe until they were trained.
Britain hosted all the Allied troops for years before D-Day. They supplied most of the troops, armour and artillery that landed on the beaches. They supplied most of the sea forces that got the troops to the beaches and most of the aircraft that protected them/
yes they have lots of troops and is my favorite country in europe
A country that supplied the US's valuable oil was being invaded.
All of the answers are correct.
All of the answers are correct.
american solidiers fought for our country
12 million
The DuPont company of Delaware supplied explosives such as gunpowder to the Union in the US Civil War. The company was located in Delaware and was guarded by Union troops during the war.
Luxembourg lost the least troops during the First World War.
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Both Spain and France supplied weapons, munitions and provisions to Washington's Army.
Note it was nearly entirely the French who help the Americans and the Continental Army. They are the ones- along with the Iroquo Indians who they were in alliance with- who helped the Americans and the United States Army. The Iroquois did help fight, but were more useful in the area of healing and proper nutrition. The French supplied troops and arms trade.