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Many southerners believe that the the south no longer had a voice in national government. Also that the President and Congress were now set against their interests, especially slavery. Even before the election, South Carolina's governor had written to other southern governors. If Lincoln won, he wrote, it would be their duty to leave the Union.

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Q: What did Lincoln's election lead many southerners to believe?
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What did Lincolns elections lead Southerners to believe?

Many southerners believe that the the south no longer had a voice in national government. Also that the President and Congress were now set against their interests, especially slavery. Even before the election, South Carolina's governor had written to other southern governors. If Lincoln won, he wrote, it would be their duty to leave the Union.

Splitting of Democratic Party lead to Lincolns election?

It made victory for the Republican party inevitable.

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Barrack Obama is in the lead for the election nationally by 7 points.

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The Civil War.

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well lets see, didnt your teachers tell you not to search for answers on wikianswers. Bad child. anyways i dont lose

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The twealfth amendment

How did the 1860 election lead to the breakup of the union?

Because it did!

What lead to the Civil War in 1861?

Political events in the United States since the Kansas - Nebraska Act brought the country towards a rebellion or an open war. In the eyes of many Southerners, the election of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 election, may have swayed many people in the South that an independent South was the only way to keep the traditions, slavery, and the way of life in the South intact.