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In World War I training camps, men were taught to handle a rifle and were given their military clothing. They were taught drills and were billeted with local families.

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They beat there children

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Q: What did men do in World War 1 training camps?
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How did Jews get to the concentration camps in World War 1?

In WWI most Jewish men fought on the side if the Germans.....there were no camps.

What is the name of the person who ordered the use of internment camps?

Adolf Hitler ____ The use of internment camps for enemy aliens (at least for men of military age) was also widespread in the US, Australia and Britain in World War 2 (and World War 1). There's nothing specifically Hitlerian about it.

What Battles of World War 2 involved concentration camps?

There weren't any World War 2 battles in the usual sense at any of the concentration camps. By battle I understand a major confrontation between Allied and Axis troops. In the case of the camps, the SS men running them usually fled when the Allies were close. Perhaps you meant something slightly different. If so please say so.

How was human hair used in World War 2?

Human hair was used by the German military to make slippers for the men on their subs. The hair came from the death camps.

How many men died in prison camps during the civil war?

OVER 1 million

About how many men for both the North and the South were taken as prisoners and placed in camps during the Civil War?

400,000 men

How men for both the North and the South were taken as prisoners and placed in camps during the Civil War?


Pearl harber intenment camps?

In 1942, the United States government ordered more than 110,000 men, women, and children to leave their homes and detained them in remote, military-style camps. Manzanar War Relocation Center was one of ten camps where Japanese American citizens and resident Japanese aliens were interned during World War II.

How did Camp Beauregard help prepare for World War 2?

The camp which was built to train troops in WW I became a training area for for WW II. It was part of the area used for the Louisiana Maneuvers, a training exercise involving almost 500,000 men, preparing them for the battles of World War II.

Did men fight in World War I?

Yes, many men fought in the world war 1. There were soldiers as well as ordinary men.

Where the leaders of the camps in the Holocaust guilty?

I don't know what you mean by leaders in the camps. The camps were run by SS men. The inmates did not have internal self-government of any kind whatsoever. If you mean Kapos (Capo), then yes, some were convicted of various crimes, including murder in some cases, after the end of World War 2.

Why did women do men's jobs during World War 1 and World War 2?

the men werent there at the time