Yes, they were drafted to protect or attack countries.
The Indianapolis.The USS Indianapolis
Because penicillon and antibiotics did not fully exist before WW2. Many soldiers died from disease.
German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.
how did world war 2 affect the civilians and the soldiers
Yes, sometimes with EXACT REPLICAS of the terrain they are about to attack.
Yes, they were drafted to protect or attack countries.
No, Before the German attack on Russia it was not in WW2.
The Indianapolis.The USS Indianapolis
they threw grenades at the sodiers
Because penicillon and antibiotics did not fully exist before WW2. Many soldiers died from disease.
If it was the Confederate soldiers, the Union would attack the Confederates. If it was the Union soldiers, then the Confederates would attack the Union.
They wore helmets long before world war 1.
The welfare provision that existed before the U.S. officially entered World War II was the recruitment of soldiers to fight in World War II.
German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.
they were unknown soldiers from world war 1, world war 2, Vietnam war, and the Korean war
Once the post WW2 events ended, such as the deciding about what to do with Germany and the war trials. It was actually a short while before the soldiers were sent home after World War 2.