

Best Answer

Yes, sometimes with EXACT REPLICAS of the terrain they are about to attack.

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Q: Do soldiers train before war
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Why was the citadel of Salah El Din built?

because it helped the soldiers to train before the war

How long did soldiers in the civil war have to train?

Most soldiers were draftees or volunteers, and had little or no training. Many died before they fired a shot in battle

Where did the civil war soldiers train at?

Fort Snellling

How long did soldiers train for World War 2?

boobie days

How did the soldiers feel on the train to russia in world war 1?

very joyfull

How many soldiers did the US need to train in order to fight the war?

12 Million

Where in Egypt did the Australian soldiers train before they were sent to Gallipoli and what was it like?

next to the pyramids

Did women train soldiers in Revolutionary War?

the woman came to care for the solders if they had gotten injured.

Where did US soldiers train during World War 2?

At many camps around the US

What Army Regulation makes it a requirement to train Soldiers and leaders on the Laws of War?

Ar 350-1

Occupation of many soldiers before the civil war?


What did soldiers do before an attack in World War 1?

get off with their wives