The official name was the Confederate States of America. You'll sometimes see them referred to as the Confederates, the Confederacy, or more generically "the South".
Civil War battles were fought in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Missouri, and Kansas. They were also fought in the territories now in the states of Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona. A Confederate Army went through Pennsylvania, New York, and Vermont and into Canada. A group of Confederates tried to burn down New York City.
The Civil War was fought because a group of states in the southern US wanted to split away and form a new nation that would be run the way they wanted. The 11 Southern states the broke away (or seceded) were known as the Confederate States. The Union were the remaining states within the United States that fought to keep the southern states as part of the country.
For the Union: 23; for the South: 11 Additionally, all border states sent forces to fight for the South and the North.
In the Civil War, most of the destruction was suffered by the Confederate States because few battles were fought in Union States.
There were 35 states, total before secession started. 11 Southern States seceded, and fought in a formed union, or group called the Confederacy of the United States. During the Civil War, West Virginia broke off from Virginia, and become the 36th state, joining the Union. The answer is 24, then 25.
Civil War battles were fought in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Missouri, and Kansas. They were also fought in the territories now in the states of Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona. A Confederate Army went through Pennsylvania, New York, and Vermont and into Canada. A group of Confederates tried to burn down New York City.
The Civil War was fought because a group of states in the southern US wanted to split away and form a new nation that would be run the way they wanted. The 11 Southern states the broke away (or seceded) were known as the Confederate States. The Union were the remaining states within the United States that fought to keep the southern states as part of the country.
There were 23 states that fought on the side of the Union during the Civil War.
The states that remained part of the United States and fought the Confederacy during the Civil War.
The American Civil War was fought between the Union and the Confederate States of America. The Confederate states were the ones that seceded from the Union. The war was fought in the United States from 1861 to 1865.
The states that remained part of the United States and fought the Confederacy during the Civil War.
They wanted to end slavery in the us and get the southern states back into the union
Union fought to free slaves, Confederate fought to stay slave states.
Yes, during the American Civil War, the United States was often referred to as "the Union" to distinguish it from the Confederacy, which was the group of southern states that seceded from the Union. The Union fought to restore the United States as a single, unified country.
One, the union of states known as the United States of America. The Unite States fought against the Confederacy known as The Confederate States of America.
For the Union: 23; for the South: 11 Additionally, all border states sent forces to fight for the South and the North.