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Q: What role did women play in vietenam war?
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What role did women play in civil war?

They were nurses

What role women play in American society during world war 2?


What role did women play during the revolutionary war?

Women had a definite role to play during the Revolutionary War. Specifically, women were nurses, seamstresses, cooks, and maids. Some also even served as spies and soldiers.

What role did women play during the civil war?

cooking and cleaning. not much has changed since then, eh?

What role did the women play in the revolutionary war?

Many women in the revolutionary war provided comfort and support to the soldiers. They followed the army to cook and do laundry. Some women took up arms as the men fell.

Did Michigan play a role in the Revolutionary War?

michigan did play a role in the revolutionary war:)

Why did white American women play a big role during World War 2?

Because the men were not around to work and build weapons so the women had to do it!

What role did women play in America during World War 2?

The filled the jobs men left to serve in the military

What role did women play in the civil-war?

Nurses, spies, factory workers, farm workers, some were soldiers in disguise.

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What role did Isaac Murphy play in the civil war

What early role did women play in the war effort?

During the war, women would take over for some of the jobs that the men were forced to abandon when they left for war. Some women also made the clothes that the soldiers would wear, or became nurses later on.

What role did women play during the American war?

They were medics, fixed/built planes, tanks, jeeps,ships and weapons and ammo.