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During World War II, the "D-Day" event was important for primarily one reason: it began the Allied re-conquest of the European continent. While Allied troops had already landed in Italy, all eyes were focused on the more important areas in Western Europe still held by strong German forces. On June 6th of 1944 -- D-Day -- that hold began to break with the Allied invasion of Normandy.

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What was the impotance of dday?

The importance of D-Day in World War II, was that the Allied forces were able to gain a foothold on Normandy, France. From this beach-head, the Allies would eventually (with a great loss of life and several setbacks) eventually bring the war in Europe to an end with Germany's defeat.

How many people all together died in the battle on d-day?

About 3000 people died on Dday.

What was dday and where?

D-Day was the Allied invasion of German occupied France, on the beaches of Normandy on 6 june,1944.

What was the importance of dday?

D-Day was designed to be the last push on germany. D Day was the first step in taking the war back to Hitlers Europe. At that time the Russians were pressing in the East and were taking most of the casualties in the war. Italy had been invaded by the Allies but a new front was required. Dday was the day on which (at that time) the greatest sea armada ever known was lauched against the Normandy coast. The invasion area was set into five beaches. Despite what Hollywood says it was not a solely US affair. The Americans had two of the areas, the British had two and the Canadians had one.

Who rides a motorcycle up the stairs of the delta house in the movie animal house?

Daniel Day Boone. AKA DDay.

What was d-day and why does it play such a part in the allies fate?

D DAY was the day the allies went to recapture france the battle following Dieppe In World War 2 in comparisson to WW1 in a sense dieppe was like the battle of the sommes and dday was like the battle of vimy ridge. Dieppe was a failure and the lessons learned lead to the success of Dday. Dday played an important part in the allies fate because the allies recaptured france who had fell to russia only 6 weeks into war. this marked the last battle in europe in ww2.

When did d-day allied invade Europe?

August 25 1944 the DDay allied invaded Europe . It started on JUne 6,1944