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Q: Where was the Canadian flag first raised?
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When was the Canadian flag first raised?

in 1965 feb 15

In which year was the Canadian flag got raised and frown across Canada?

The present flag was first flown in 1965.

What year was the Canadian flag raised?


When is the olympic flag raised and lowered?

the flag is raised and lowered when you first walk in the flag is raised and lowered when you first walk in

What was the first Canadian flag in the Earth?

The first Canadian flag was the "Flag of the Governor General of Canada," which was adopted in 1870. It consisted of the Union Flag of the United Kingdom with the shield of the Coat of Arms of Canada in the middle.

What flag is raised first the American flag or you battalion flag?

American flag

When was the Canadian flag first used?

The current Canadian flag began to get used after February 15, 1965.

When and were was the first olympic flag raised?

In Canada

What was the original Canadian flag?

The first known flag to fly in Canada was St George's Cross, carried by George Abbot in 1534.

What were the first Canadian flags?

The first Canadian flag was either the Royal Union Jack or the Red Ensign.

When was the french flag first raised?

10,000 BC

Who made the first Canadian flag?

A.Y Jackson