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Q: Which Indian women's fought for the women rights?
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Who is hibaaq?

She Is A Somali Muslim Women Who Fought For Womens Rights

Why were some women opposed to the idea of womens rights?

Women's rights is a joke.

What were the womens rights in the olden days?

women were house women.

Womens voting rights were won by who?


Why were the women that fought for womens rights called suffer jets?

They were actually called suffragettes, because they were fighting for women's suffrage, or the right to vote. However, because they were women, they were given the pejorative -ette ending.

Why did womens want to vote?

AnswerWomen fought for what they belived in and in 1807, Shanton & Anthony formed an (National Womens Suffrage Association) which wanted every on man and women to have equal rights.

What did Amelia Erhart do to womens rights?

She was always in the forefront of women's rights.

What did Sojourner Truth fight for womens rights?

Sojourner Truth fought for women's rights, especially for the rights of African American women. She advocated for the abolition of slavery and for women to have equal rights as men, including the right to vote and to own property. She is known for her powerful speeches and writings that emphasized gender and racial equality.

Why did Abigail fight for womens rights?

shes a women

Is there any Indian womens footballteam?

there is no such thing as a footballteam or Indian women, for that matter.

Where were womens rights convention held?

Women hold their first national women's rights convention at

Sue and Lynn marched for womens' or women's or women rights when they were in Washington DC?
