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Q: Which one of the following evacuated tube?
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What evacuated tube would you use to draw for electrolytes?

red topped tube

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Who discovered electrons through an evacuated glass tube?

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What decreases the vacuum draw of evacuated tube?

Both time and temperature can decrease the vacuum draw of an evacuated tube. Hence the provided expiration dates and storage temperature of tubes. The vacuum of a tube will decrease if it is too old or if stored at a colder temperature than recommended.

Is it require to mix and evacuated tube type light blue in time of collection?


What color tube is for blood cultures?

The yellow evacuated tubes are for blood cultures.

What is the common needle gauges used for drawing blood with a evacuated tube?


When collecting blood in a black top evacuated tube how full should it be?

It needs to be 100% full as the light blue tube.

Which color topped evacuated tube is used for collection of blood for electrolyte testing?

The color-topped evacuated tube typically used for the collection of blood for electrolyte testing is a green-top tube, which contains heparin as an anticoagulant. Heparin prevents clotting and ensures accurate testing of electrolyte levels in the blood.

Why thermionic valve or vacuum tube are evacuated?

because if it was heated in open air it would burn up

What is an audion?

An audion was an early variety of electronic amplifying tube consisting of a partially evacuated glass tube with three electrodes, a heated filament, a grid and a plate.

What gas is used in a vacuum tube?

Vacuum tubes are typically evacuated of gases to create a vacuum inside. However, some specialized vacuum tubes may use inert gases like argon or neon to improve performance or provide specific characteristics.