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September 1,1939 - Hitler invades Poland from the West

September 17, 1939 - Poland invaded from the East by the Soviet Union

November 30, 1939 - The Soviet Union invades Finland

April 9, 1940 - Hitler invades Denmark and Norway

May 10, 1940 - Holland, Belgium and France invaded...

September 27-29, 1939 - Warsaw surrenders, but Polish government never officially surrendered

April 9, 1940 - Denmark surrenders on the first day of the attack

May 15, 1940 - Holland surrenders

May 28, 1940 - Belgium surrenders

June 10, 1940 - Norway surrenders

June 22, 1940 - France surrenders Paris without fighting and signs an armistice agreement by which the Germans occupy the northern half of the country and the entire Atlantic coastline. In southern France, a collaborationist regime with its capital in Vichy is established.

June 1940 - Great Britain is the last democracy in Europe fighting Hitler

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13y ago

Fascist Italy surrendered to the Allies in 1943 but Hitler and Mussolini established a puppet state in nortern Italy until the remaining German forces surrendered in May 1945, Nazi Germany under Karl Doenitz and Albert Speer surrendered to the Allies and the USSR on May 7th 1945 and Imperial Japan under Emperor Hirohito surrendered on August 9th after 2 atomic bombs were dropped(the 6th and 8th) and after the Soviet Union Declared war on August 8th

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9y ago

Actually, if one is talking about a single case where the most soldiers surrendered at one time, then several of the mass surrenders of Russian troops early on during Operation Barbarossa likely qualify; several hundred thousand (perhaps as many as half a million) Russian soldiers were captured/surrendered during that time period, as they were encircled, cut off, and ultimately pounded into submission by the attacking Germans.

Other mass surrenders happended during WW2, including that of the German 6th Army at Stalingrad (91,000+), Tunisia (surrender of the Afrika Corps & Italian forces: 230,000+), and the Surrender of France in 1940 (1 million+)

However, there have been surrenders of various besieged cities throughout history that have exceeded even this large number, if one includes all the civilians in the besieged city in the surrender count.

The surrender of all German armed forces at the end of World War 2 was the largets surrender ever. Germany surrendered over 6 million individuals still under arms.

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14y ago

Although I'm not quite sure, I believe the largest surrenders of WW2 happened in Russia where German troops surrounded Russian troops in what were called "cauldrons". Tens of thousands of Russian soldiers were captured together in these massive encirclements.

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15y ago

Italy was probably last in (on the fall of France in 1940) and first out (in September 1943) However the Germans then took over Italy and kept on fighting.

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15y ago

The German instrument of surrender was signed in Reims, France. The Japanese instrument of surrender was signed aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

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15y ago

April 9, 1942 - Bataan, Philippines

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The German forces fighting in Italy surrendered on 2 May 1945.All German forces surrendered on 8 May 1945.Japan surrendered after the atomic bombs were dropped during the first week of August, 1945.

What day did Germany surrendered in1945 during world war 2?

May 1st 1945

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3 Germany, Italy and Japan

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Depends upon which war we are talking about. And they signed armistices and surrendered to different countries at different times during the same war. The Allies in World War I and World War 2.

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Germany surrendered in May 1945. In August 1945, the Japanese surrendered following the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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Italy surrendered in 1943; one down, two to go.

What European Country Surrendered To The Germans?

France surrendered to the Germans during World War II. After the German invasion in 1940, France signed an armistice with Germany, leading to the occupation of the northern part of the country and the establishment of the Vichy government in the south.

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Are you refering to the very first war , or the First World War? Obviously no-one knows how the very first war ended , but WW1 ended when the final German troops surrendered in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).

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During World War II . Franklin Delano Roosevelt died three weeks before Germany surrendered on 7th May, 1945.