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Q: Why did pres bush declare war on terror after 9-11?
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the terror attack 9/11 is the of the biggest terror attacks in the U.S.

Is illuminarty swag 420?

It is correct because the bush family did 911 so their is a triangle in the smoke so on 420 is when u smoke so bush smokes on 911 instead of 420 he did 911 and yes swag is 420 = 911

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Call 911 - 2008 Moments of Terror 2-7 was released on: USA: 26 June 2009

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Call 911 - 2008 Terror at the Mall 1-11 was released on: USA: 5 November 2008

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the jews did it

Who told George W. Bush about 911?

his bodyguard

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bush did 911

What did osama bin laden have to do with 911?

He was the puppet, and Bush was pulling the strings. Bush planned 9/11, and pointed the finger at them.

Why is the government lieing about the attack of 911?

because president bush had something to hide