Oil. It's always been oil - even before WW II.
I believe that would be the right answer .
The Middle East is full of OIL and we Want it and Need it .
Why didnt the US govt not send troops to darfur or Cambodia , Liberia or Sierra Leone where ten's if not hundred's of thousands have been slaughtered . Black Gold OIL. sorry but seems that is the truth
Currently, there are only a few thousand US soldiers deployed to the Middle East, but during the height of the surge in Iraq, there were 130,000-150,000 US soldiers in Iraq alone.
Well, according to my calculations, there was a distinctive rise in nationalism. Khomeini led a revolt against the newly appointed Iran leader, and eventually forced him into exile. Another result of the cold war in the middle east was a start of hatred between the U.S. and the Middle East.
For much the same reason we ignored the middle east before we were attacked.
Policy of the US that it would defend the Middle East against attack by any communist country. Restatement of the containment policy.
Because they wanted to prevent the energy resources of the middle east from falling into the hands of Nazi Germany.
the Middle East
The Ashley University is approved but not accredited by authorities in the US and the Middle East.
the Middle East
Philip habib