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National Security; the enemy has ears.

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Q: Why were so many things censored during the Cold War?
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Why did nuclear technology become so widespread during the Cold War?

Nuclear technology was used to power many things.

How did containment during the cold war affect American citizen right?

Many citizens had their rights compromised during the cold war. During McCarthyism for instance, people accused of being Communists by the HUAC (house of "un-American" activities) didn't have a real chance to protest the often absurd allegations and circumstantial evidence against them. Many left-wing activists or government critics were labeled as communists or communists sympathizers and were then censored or even jailed. People who spoke out against this (such as the Hollywood ten) would be blacklisted.

Who was led by a dictator during the cold war?

Many countries were led by dictators in the Cold War .

Many reformers believed motion pictures?

A. were a threat to morality and should be censored

Can you cuss on RuneScape?

As of a change a while ago, many curse words are no longer censored.

How many people where killed in Hungary during the cold war?

The cold war was cold because there were no battles, therefore no one was killed in combat.

What wrong 1988 Olds 88 runs rough during warm up ok hot or cold?

Could be many things but a dirty or worn EGR valve could be responsible.

How many nuclear weapons were made during the cold war?


Is a galaxy hot or cold?

A galaxy is made up of many, many things - some incredibly hot and some incredibly cold. A galaxy cannot be "hot or cold" - it is not simply one thing....

How many US naval ships were there during the cold war?

20 Ships

What are some negative things about Siberia?

The weather is very cold and not many people live there

Does wapiti live somewhere cold?

Elk (Wapiti) live in various regions of North America, many of them cold during the winter, but not appreciably cold like the Arctic.