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Yes. They squeeze the life out of their prey.

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Q: Are anacondas dangerous
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Are green anacondas dangerous to humans yes or no?

Green anacondas are recorded to attack and kill/wound people in water and on land.

What eat the Brazilian tapir?

Tigers, jaguars, anacondas and crocodiles can all be dangerous to tapirs

How does tapirs get its food?

They eat leaves and fruit and feed in the morning and evening. Tigers, jaguars, anacondas and crocodiles can all be dangerous to tapirs.

Do anacondas have enemies?

other anacondas and people

Why do anacondas shake their rattles?

Anacondas do not have a rattle to shake.

Can anacondas be found in Cairns?

No. Anacondas are not native to Australia.

Do anacondas eat leaves?

No, anacondas do not eat leaves.

What are the interaction to the environment?

Anacondas are aquatic snakes and examples include the green anaconda. Their prey is aquatic animals like fish. They rarely prey on humans, because anacondas live in swampy environments where people rarely visit, and an encounter between it and the human being is very dangerous.

What is the anacondas predator?

Yellow anacondas are prey to caimans and jaguars.

Where did anacondas ariginate from?

The anacondas natural territory is central america.

Who is the authors name of what did anacondas eat?

whatv do anacondas eat

Are anacondas small?

No. Anacondas are among the largest snakes in the world.