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{| |- | Like most states, the age of majority in Indiana is the age of 18. Once they reach the age of 18, there is no legal responsibility. They do not have to provide support or co-sign contracts for them. |}

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Q: At what age are you no longer a minor in the state of Indiana?
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What is the legal age a minor can leave home in the state of Indiana?

There is no legal age for a minor to leave home. They can legally leave home when they are no longer a minor. The age of majority in Indiana is 18.

What is the legal age of a minor in the state of Indiana?

Any thing under the age of majority is considered a minor. That would be 18 in Indiana

What is the age of emancipation of a minor in Indiana?

You become an adult at age 18. You are then no longer considered a minor. You can contract, including marriage.

What is the legal age of emancipation in the state of Indiana?

Indiana Sorry, there is no emancipation status for this state.

Is your child still considered a minor if in high school at age 18 in Indiana?

The child is no longer a minor at age 18. However, in Indiana, child support payments are required until the age of 21 or until the child is providing more than 50% of his or her financial support.

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Legal definition of a minor in Indiana?

Anyone that hasn't reached the age of 18 is considered a minor in Indiana.

What is the legal age of a minor when a parent is no longer responsible in Washington State?

The parents are no longer responsible for a child when they reach the age of majority. In Washington that is age 18.

What is the legel age of a minor to leave home in state of Fla?

When they are no longer considered a minor. Which would be when they turn 18 in Florida.

What age can a minor move out without parental consent in DE?

The Legal Age is 16 you are still responsible for them until this age where ever they may be .

What is the legal drinking age in the state of Indiana?

18 is the legal age for smoking in the state of Indiana

What is the smoking age in Indiana?

18 is the legal age for smoking in the state of Indiana