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Six months to a year is ideal. If not gelded early enough the 'jack' may retain stallion type behaviours.

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Q: At what age would you geld a minuture donkey?
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At what age do you geld a male horse?

at an early age, you don't want to wait so long that they still think they are a stallion even after you geld them, this may cause your horse to become green, be difficult to train, and have bad behavior especially around mares. My advice would to give your vet a call and discuss an appropriate date.

What s the age of the oldest donkey?

jesus donkey is still alive

What is the age of a donkey?

25 yrs

What is the price to geld a horse?

Anywhere from $200-$400 depending on you location, your veterinarian, your horses temperament, and your horses age.

What is donkey kongs age?

He is 29 years old.

When should you geld a stallion?

You should geld a stallion when he reaches his full maturity, just before he is due to be backed. This is normally around the age of 2 or 3 years. Gelding a stallion before this shortens his life span and doesn't encourage full growth of the genitals and therfore creating proplems with the urainry systems.

When should you castrate a donkey?

If the male is not going to be used for breeding then any time after the testes have decended into the scrotum is suitable. Most are done in the 3 months to 1 year old range.

Do you age a mule like a horse with his teeth?

I don't own a mule, but I do own a horse. I suppose you could age a donkey that way. I would ask your vet the next time he comes.

How old is the world's oldest donkey on Earth?

The world's oldest donkey was Eeyore. Eeyore was a donkey that lived to be 55 years of age before he died.

Does the water of youth give a donkey more coverings on Howrse?

no, it just makes the donkey age 1 month instead of 2

At what age should you stop bottle feeding a baby donkey?


How does age affect a 10 year old boy's safety in the hospital after falling from a donkey cart?

Because of his age, he wouldn't be hurt too bad. He is young, so more active. It would of hurt of course, but not as bad as it would be if a 40 year old fell out. So age would only help him after the fall.