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Ice. Pluto, Charon, and pluto's other moons are not known to have any internal processes capable of generating sufficient heat to melt ice at their distance from the sun.

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12y ago

There is probably some water on Pluto - all in the form of ice, since liquid water certainly cannot exist there.

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Does Pluto have cold water?

Yes Pluto does have water but most of Pluto's water is frozen solid By, Jordan Jackson

Who photographed Pluto?

Pluto was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh.

Why is Pluto the most furtherest away from the sun?

Pluto formed far away from the sun since a passing star shocked the thin gas and formed later.

Does Pluto have water on its surface?

No, Pluto is too far away from the Sun, meaning if therer was ever water on pluto, it would be ice. as far as I know, there isn't any water on Pluto

Where did Pluto come from?

Pluto is at least 1 million years old according to scientists

How big is the planet Pluto?

Pluto is 2,304 kilometers (1,432 miles) at the equator, and is only about the size of Russia. Pluto only has a mass of about one 400th that of Earth. Pluto is composed of several different materials, Pluto's thin crust is simply composed of ice, Pluto's mantel is quite rich in water and ice, Pluto's large core is probably about 70% rock, and 30% water ice. Radioactivity in the rock has warmed the interior, ensuring Pluto is spherical and differentiated; rock has sunk to the center and water ice has formed a surface layer. also present are ices of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane.

Where can anyone buy Pluto water?

You can't buy Pluto water anywhere in the world, but you might be able to find Pluto Water bottles in antique stores.

Is there any proof of water on Pluto?

Yes, there is supposed to be droplets and water vapor on Pluto.

Is there water in Pluto?


Does Pluto have lakes?

Pluto has ice on it so there for it is partially water.

Why does one side of pluto always face charon?

Pluto is tidally locked to Charon. When the Pluto-Charon system first formed Pluto's rotation was probably faster, but was slowed by the effects of Charon's gravity.

Does Pluto have water on it or on its moons?

There is no liquid water on the surface; it is far too cold. Pluto is so cold that even nitrogen freezes. The same goes for its moons.