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silicon is less sensitive towards temperature.It costs low compared to germanium,

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Q: Can you explain why silicon and germanium are used in the manufacturing of semiconductors?
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Related questions

What are examples of semiconductors?

Germenium and silicon are the examples of Semiconductors.

Is silicon a semiconductor?

Yes,silicon and germanium are semiconductors.

What are pure semiconductors?

silicon and germanium

What are the types of intrinsic semiconductors?

The types of intrinsic semiconductors are mainly: silicon & germanium

Is silicon and germanium used in electronics as semiconductors?


Why germanium is not used as LED material?

LEDs are made from binary semiconductors (e.g. gallium aluminum indium phosphide) not unary semiconductors (e.g. silicon, germanium) because they can be made transparent to light. Silicon & germanium are opaque.

What elements are semiconductors?

Silicon and germanium are among the widely used semiconducting elements.

What is difference between silicon and germanium semiconductors?

Silicon has a larger bandgap energy than germanium, which contributes to higher junction potentials and ability to operate at higher temperatures.

Are nonmetals semiconductors?

Some are, such as silicon and germanium. Others are non-conductors known as insulators, such as glass.

What metal is a semi conductor?

No metal is semiconductor. By definition metal is conductor. There are metalloids elements. Like silicon and germanium. They are semiconductors. There is no hard and fast definition of such elements.

Which element is used as a semiconductor?

Elements of group 4a are used as semi-conductorse.g. silicon,germanium etc.

What element has the same electrons as silicon?

The element with chemical properties most like silicon is germanium. As an example, both are used in semiconductors.