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It is a coincidence that the Swedish revolt against the Danes coincided with the Lutheran

revolt in Germany. Vasa's goal was royal supremacy and not a new faith. He opposed the

Lutheran reforms, but seeing the economic and state power that reform brought he was to

change his mind, since he wished to centralise the administration and concentrate all power in

his own hands.

When Vasa took power the land in Sweden was divided as follows:

Church 20%, Nobility 20%, Farmers 50%, Crown 6.25%

The Dominicans, a religious group, who offered a strong opposition to Vasa's plans, were

banished from the kingdom, and the bishops who resisted were subjected to all kinds of

oppression. After a religious debate at the University of Uppsala, the king gave the victory to

Olaf Peterson, who had studied at Wittenberg and had accepted Luther's teaching. Vasa

proceeded to Lutheranize the university, to take away religious property, and to employ every

means to make the clergy to accept the new doctrine. A popular rebellion gave him an

opportunity of accusing the Catholic bishops of high treason, and in 1527 the Archbishop of

Upsala and the Bishop of Västerås were executed.

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Q: Did Sweden become Protestant during the reformation?
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