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Q: Do Serbians like Canadians
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Are serbians black?

No, Serbians are white people

Who was the Bosnia war about?

It is about the muslims and is only between the muslims like me and the serbians

Why does no one like Canadians?

That's not true. Many people like Canadians.

Why doesn't Canadians not like Americans?

Canadians love everybody.

Why do Canadians not like Americans?

Not all Canadians dislike Americans. However, many Canadians get frustrated by the stereotypes that they are put under, and many Canadians are very competitive concerning athletic events like hockey.

Why do Canadians like the vancouer canucks?

Canadians like all their hockey teams, including the Vancouver Canucks|!!

What do houses in serbia look like?

Serbians make houses mostly (90%) from brick.

Why are serbians not allowed in England or Ireland?

Your question is misinformed. Serbians are allowed into Ireland and England.

What do Canadians eat Also what do they dress like?

They usually eat food. They surely dress like Canadians (Aka E.T.'s).

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Where do serbians Greeks bulgarians and albanians live?

Serbians = Serbia Greeks = Greece Bulgarians = Bulgaria Albanians = Albania

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