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Q: Does the ghost tell horatio that Norway will attack denmark?
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Does the Ghost tell Horatio that Norway will soon attack Denmark?

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Horatio believed that the apparition of the late King of Denmark was an omen of things to come?

In "Hamlet," Horatio sees the apparition that Bernardo and Marcellus had previously observed. Since the ghost appears to be in battle armor, Horatio takes that to mean impending danger to Denmark, possibly in the form of a military attack.

The watchmen and Horatio speculate that the appearance of the Ghost means that?

the ghost is a warning of impending DOOM for denmark and thinks it will come in the form of a military attack...k?

What three questions does horatio ask the ghost?

Not a dang thing. The ghost only talks to Hamlet; he will not talk to Horatio.

Who informed Horatio about the Ghost?

Horatio tell HAmlet that after midnight his father ghost shows up

Who saw the ghost first hamlet or Horatio?

Horatio, in Act 1 scene 1. Hamlet doesn't see it until scene 4. It has to be this way because in scene 2 Horatio tells Hamlet that he has seen the Ghost.

According to Horatio what did the ghost wear?

A suit of armour.

Who told hamlet about his fathers ghost?

His father's ghost appears to him in a grave yard and tells him who and how he died.

Why is Horatio interested in Hamlet?

Horatio finds Hamlet asleep in the middle of a dirt road.

Marcellus and Horatio observed the ghost was?

Hamlet's dead father

Who do the guards think will be able to help them speak to the ghost in hamlet?


What ceremony do hamlet and horatio witness?

It was a custom in Denmark to mark a toast by firing off cannons and blowing horns. Hamlet and Horatio hear this when they are standing around on the battlements of Elsinore waiting for the Ghost to show up. Hamlet sneers that it is a custom more honoured in the breach than the observance, but then he sneers at everything Claudius does no matter what it is.