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Yes,,,,,I Mean No

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Q: Does the state pay for your college if you're in foster care?
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If Im in the foster care syetem and i get married does the state pay for my college still?


Do I have to go to college or can I go to work if I am in foster care?

You can go to college or go to work after you finish high school if you are in foster care. The choice is up to you!

How many children are in foster care in the state of Georgia?

As of 2011, there were 8020 children in foster care in the state of GA. Of these, only 1,389 children were adopted.

You were in foster care and had a child while in there can you take him out when you leave foster care at 18?

In the state of Tennessee if you have a child while you are in foster care you have to complete a permancy plan before you can take your child with you. If you can provide proof that you can maintain a stable and safe home envionment for you and your child, the state will give custody back to you.

What happens to child support money when you go to foster care?

Depends on the situation and reason the child goes into foster care but usually the biological parents have to pay the state and the state pay the foster family.

Where do they go if awarded to the state?

Children go into a foster care home. These are homes that have been approved by the state to take care of children for long term care or temporary care.

How is adoption and foster care the same?

They aren't the same. Adoption is becoming the legal parent and foster care means the state is the childs guardian. The state makes all important decisions regarding the child and the foster parents have no rights, the state can just come in and move the child to another foster home for no reason. Adopted children are yours forever.

Foster care do you get help to pay for medical bills for the foster child?

This may vary from state to state, but in Florida all children are covered under Medicaid.

Does the state pay foster parents to care for children placed in their homes?


Due to the foster parents splitting up can a 17 year old move out of foster care on her own without parental consent?

Depends on the state laws and if you are in foster care it's not up to your parents to decide but the judge.

Do you have to sign out of foster care to leave?

When you turn adult age you can do what you want but prior to that you can't just leave foster care. It's not up to you but the judge. You can leave foster care early by being asked to be emancipated. I wouldn't recommend it giving how much the state helps out fosters.

Can a foster parent get an insurance policy on the foster child?

In Florida, the answer is no: the children are all covered under medicaid. since the foster care system is done at the state level, it's possible that the answer to this varies from state to state.